The mission of Quality Computer Instruction and Training (QCITR) is to educate students and working professionals to
develop the knowledge and skills that will enable them to achieve their professional goals.
To promote the use of acquired skills and knowledge for use in their work environments.
To develop competencies in required skills such as IT utilization, collaboration, communication,
and critical thinking with a commitment to lifelong learning to afford students opportunities for their
career success.
Another goal of Quality Computer Instruction and Training (QCITR) is to develop business and E-commerce software solutions to enable companies to guarantee the performance of their business applications and customer satisfaction.
To provide instruction that bridges the gap between theory and
practice through instructors who bring not only advanced academic preparation, but also skills that come
from the current practice of their professions.
To use technology to create effective modes of instruction
that expand access to learning resources and that enhance
collaboration and communication for improved student learning.
To assess student learning in order to continually improve curricula, instruction, learning
resources, and program currency.